Thursday 28 April 2011

How to delete or “disband” your own guild

Here is the problem:

Do you have your own guild and want to delete and remove it from the game?
Are you stuck in your own guild and cant seem to find a way out to freedom?

Here is the solution:

If you are the leader of your guild and you wish to remove it from the game simply:While playing World of Warcraft. 
1. Press enter to load the chat dialogue 
2. Type /gdisband
This will “Disband” your guild effectivly deleting it from the game.
I hope this useful tip will help you find your freedom!
From here you can either go on in the world of warcraft without a guild (my personal choice) or find another new guild through the “Guild Finder” new in Patch 4.0.1

How to leave a guild without being booted

Do you seem to be putting a lot of time, effort and gold into your current guild and feel that you are getting nothing in return, and that all the other guild members are taking that gold and leaving you to do the fundraising?
Its time to start thinking about packing your bags and leaving that Ghastly Guild.
I know that’s its frustrating when you join a guild expecting so much more than you actually get in return,doing everything you can to help others and never see anything good from it. 
First you can try ask an admin there (a guild member with guild admin privileges) to politely remove you.
Some guild admins are petty and wont remove you from the guild even if you bribe them however there is a simple resolution to this.

The fast way to leave or quit a guild

When playing World of Warcraft:
1. Press Enter (to load the chat dialogue)
2. Type /guildquit
There you go… you have quit that horrible guild, left behind those players and opened up your Celestial Steeds wings to flutter your way to a new heart warming, exciting and lovable guild to suit your personal, social and generic needs.

Wednesday 27 April 2011

New skin/design for the Frostsaber Stalker (Ice Cat)

We have seen designs of the lovely (Ice Stalker / Ice Cat) on many websites and those designs were never used…. until NOW! Included in the 26th April 2011 4.0.1 patch came new daily “WinterSaber Trainer” quests allowing you to care for your own frostsaber cub which when cared for in 20 days will become your very own “Frostsaber Mount”. A lovely touch to the game if you ask me… oh you didnt… never mind here’s the video I made.

Frostsaber Stalker: New and improvded (Ice Cat / Ice Saber)

This beast can be tamed by hunters as a pet!
Video Provided by

Please like this video on YouTube if you appreciate my work and help!

Celestial Steed: New animation for gathering on mount

When world of warcraft patch 4.0.1 was released I noticed there was a new animation for the celestial steed when mounted and collecting items such as the “Frostsaber Cub” in “Winterspring”.

Provided by

Friday 22 April 2011

Altered Beast: Winterspring

While out in Winterspring farming thorium ores I came across some beasts with a strange glow after further inspection they were what is known as “Altered Beasts” where they turn from one thing into another. Here are two videos I have made featuring the altered beasts. Location in Winterspring: 57.39 | 69.36

Video 1: Fox turning into Dinosaur
Video 2: Hare turning into Lion

Video provided by | Fox turns into dinosaur

Video provided by | Hare turns into Lion

Altered Beast | Fox turns into dinosaurAltered Beast | Fox turns into dinosaur

Thursday 7 April 2011

Beware: Bogus in-game blizzard whispers

I would like to inform that there are a lot of bogus in game whispers from “Blizzard Staff” which want you to go to an external website so they can steal your account.

Never go to any website other than and enter your authenticator and/or login details – chances are your account will be compromised, your gold and all items will be stolen and you will be locked out of your own account that you have paid for.
An example of a bogus whisper is below.
Bogus Blizzard Whisper
This whisper in particular is threatening the player and should always be “Reported” as spam so that Blizzard can take further action against the person making the false claim.
Be safe, be smart, never give out your personal, bank or login information.

Saturday 2 April 2011

April Fool: Mr. Crabby

As its 1st of April (April Fools Day) blizzard have once again released an april fools joke. This time its “Mr. Crabby”.
Mr Crabby
Simply click on any of the screenshots below to see a larger image.
Mr CrabbyMr Crabby
Mr Crabby
Here is what blizzard “had to say” about Mr. Crabby

Introducing Crabby: The Dungeon Helper

Mr CrabbyThe next content update for World of Warcraft introduces a brand-new feature designed to make your experience in Azeroth a whole lot user-friendlier. Meet Crabby: The Dungeon Helper! This adorable and knowledgeable crustacean companion will guide you through the game with useful hints, tips, and tricks for every situation. Read more about this upcoming feature on our new Crabby information page.   

Introducing Crabby: The Dungeon Helper

Nothing But the Best Few things are more fun than plumbing the depths of Azeroth's dungeons with your friends, defeating scores of terrifying monsters, and emerging with your bags stuffed to the brim with epic loot pried from your enemies' cold, dead hands. However, every adventurer knows that the more fantastic the treasure, the more powerful its guardians — and some of the challenges posed by World of Warcraft's Heroic dungeons can be quite daunting.Wouldn't it be nice to have a helpful friend at your side, ready to provide you with tips and hints when you're stuck? A friend who's there to provide encouragement, who will help you pick yourself up off the floor after the fifteenth wipe of the night? Someone who will stick with you — no matter what?Everyone can use a friend like that... a friend like Crabby!

Someone to Watch Over Me

You're a hero. An adventurer. A sword-swinger or spell-slinger for hire. Whatever your character's motivation may be, if trouble doesn't find you, it's because you found trouble first. But what do you do when Asaad throws down a grounding field? How do you respond when the Faceless Corruptors enter Erudax's room? Eventually, you'll be thrown a curve ball that you can't catch. When that happens, you'll be glad to have Crabby at your side!Crabby uses a complex and extensive set of context-sensitive situational heuristics to analyze your current status in real-time; that's tech talk for "Crabby always knows what's up." He watches your every move with his all-seeing eyes. Nothing escapes his unwavering gaze; not even the slightest nuance of your play style goes unnoticed. Before long, Crabby will know what you're going to do before you even do it. And he will use this knowledge to help.Crabby is able to tell you exactly what's going on and what you should do. His many useful tips will appear in the bottom right corner of your screen, where he hangs out, ever patiently, waiting for you to need his help. Of course, whether you follow his advice or not is entirely up to you; Crabby may possess an advanced level of artificial intelligence, but we're reasonably sure he doesn't have any feelings you could hurt. Reasonably sure. But just in case, the ability to remove Crabby has been disabled for now.

I've Got You Under My Skin

Few things are more fun than plumbing the depths of Azeroth's dungeons with a trusty, unwavering friend at your side. Together with Crabby, your new companion on all your journeys going forward, you can rest assured that no challenge will be beyond your reach.
Content provided by Blizzard at