Saturday 15 October 2011

After 3 years of searching Loque'nahak has been caught!

Ever since I started playing 5 years ago I wanted a “Loque’nahak” the rare spirit cat from “Sholazar Basin” in “Northrend” for my own. I started the hunt 3 years ago and regularly went out of my way to attempt the capture of this rare spirit beast.
However today, the first day I have played in 2 months I accidently found her while mining out in Sholazar. A very nice and unexpected surprise!
Loque'nahak Trapped
My character placing the rare “Loque'nahak” in a freezing trap to contain her before attempting the tame… then finding out you need “Beast Mastery Specialization” which I have as a secondary talent – thankfully!
Loque'nahak location
Above map shows where in “Sholazar Basin” I located “Loque'nahak” the rare spirit beast of Northrend.
Above image showing “Latura” my character, the “singing sunflower” companion who goes with Latura everywhere brightening her day, and the newly captured “Loque'nahak”  rare spirit beast pet!

Back from a break

Well as you should know by now I often take months away from playing World of Warcraft due to one reason or another, may it be financial or personal, does it really matter?
Well the point I am getting to is I'm back to playing World of Warcraft after approx. two months being away from the MMO.

As far as I can tell by looking at the latest patch notes nothing really new stands out and gameplay seems pretty much the same. I have picked up the game exactly from where I left off… that is farming spider’s silk, ores and doing random solo instances such as the undead side of Stratholme in Eastern Kingdoms to attempt the gain of the barrens mount – the name of which eludes me at this point in time.
There have been a lot of big PVP updates such as the inclusion of “rage of the firelands” or whatever its called, this doesn't interest me at all as I do not take part in any PVP on the game. I am a solo player, always have been, always will be.