Monday 30 June 2014

Back on world of Warcraft after a long break

It's been a while since I last played world of Warcraft. However blizzard sent me a 7 days free gameplay voucher by email and in the past few days I have been playing world of Warcraft mists of pandaria again, and it has been quite enjoyable. It's been several months since I played last and quite frankly very little has changed that I have noticed. I generally don't do raids, dungeons, bosses etc which is why I probably havnt noticed the differences as I am a farmer of loot. However I have played Warcraft for two days and this morning I have earned 2500 gold from last nights loot  in quite impressed with myself. The wow armory makes it so much easier to sell things quickly and at the right price. 

Here is my auction monkey who started with 0 gold.