Sunday 13 March 2011

How to remove / hide wow chat

If you get annoyed at constantly seeing the chat interface on your screen there is a simple solution. I have found an addon called “Hide Chat Button” which when installed will hide the chat interface at a click of a button.

Hide Chat Button
Simply click the red icon to show/hide the chat interface!
You can download this fantastic and useful addon at
Thanks goes to Phemoir for making it!

How to install this mod:

I have been asked how to install this wow addon and here are the steps to do it:

1. Make sure you have WOW closed.

2. Go to

3. Download the addon by clicking on the "Download" link on the top right.

4. Once downloaded unzip the file and save the files to the "Interface" > "Addons" folder where your blizzard game is saved.

5. You can then load world of warcraft and the HideChatButton addon will show in the character select screen under "Addons" where you can enable/disable it.

If you have found this post useful or have any further questions please feel free to comment below and I will update the page with the information that you require. 


  1. how to install this mod??

  2. I have added an update to this post which informs step by step how to install the "HideChatButton" addon to your game.


  3. thanks so much

  4. thank you kindly for this

  5. why isnt this on feels.. unsafe to be downloading addons from other sites i've never heard of... especially ones Blizzard has not mentioned....

    1. You will have to ask the maker of the addon as to why they chose not to publish the addon to I have used it for years and never had any security issues with it.

  6. Supercool! Thanks.
