Thursday 28 April 2011

How to delete or “disband” your own guild

Here is the problem:

Do you have your own guild and want to delete and remove it from the game?
Are you stuck in your own guild and cant seem to find a way out to freedom?

Here is the solution:

If you are the leader of your guild and you wish to remove it from the game simply:While playing World of Warcraft. 
1. Press enter to load the chat dialogue 
2. Type /gdisband
This will “Disband” your guild effectivly deleting it from the game.
I hope this useful tip will help you find your freedom!
From here you can either go on in the world of warcraft without a guild (my personal choice) or find another new guild through the “Guild Finder” new in Patch 4.0.1


  1. At last the answer I needed, thanks. "free at last"

  2. At last the answer I needed, many thanks. "free at last"
