Thursday 24 January 2013

Mining: Elementium Ore

Elementium Ore is found in the 80+ areas of Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. You can find Elementium ore in Elementium Deposit and Elementium Veins. You do sometimes find Rich Elementium Deposits and Veins but they are quite uncommon. The only difference is they hold more items than standard Elementium Deposits. 

The best place I have found that has easily accessible Elementium Veins is the Twilight Highlands located near the Wetlands in the Eastern Kingdoms. Other areas such as Uldum also do offer Elementium to prospective miners. 

By smelting Elementium ore you can produce Elementium Bars which can be sold in the auction houses for quite a nice profit. 

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Mining: Obsidium Ore

Obsidium ore can be found in "Obsidium Deposits". These are found in "Mount Hyjal" and pleantyful in "Deepholme". Without the Mining Tracking on you may find it quite hard to spot the Obsidium ore deposits in the game as they are dark in colour and do not stand out. 

Obsidium Ore when smelted to produce Obsidium Bar does bring in a nice profit at the Auction house and its worthwhile to spend half a hour or so of your time down in Deepholme mining Obsidium ore from the Obsidium deposits that are in ample supply there. 

Monday 21 January 2013

Rare Spotlight: Slaverjaw

Slaverjaw is a Hyena type beast located in the "Southmoon Ruins" which is part of "Tanaris" located in "Kalimdor". He is a level 49 beast and will usually drop at least one green item when looted. Additionally if you are a skinner you will be able to remove the hide of this rare as he is in fact a skinable beast. 

You will find him between the ribs located in Southmoon Ruins.

Sunday 20 January 2013

Rare Spotlight: Thauris Balgarr

Thauris Balgarr

Thauris Balgarr is a rare humanoid mob located in the Burning Steppes in Eastern Kingdoms. You will find him in the rubble of a building bowing or praying to a stone, something here obviously meant a lot to him. I actually took the time to rejoin him with whomever he lost and he very kindly dropped two green items.

Saturday 19 January 2013

Mining: Thorium Ore


Thorium Ore can be found in "Thorium Deposits" these are found in various areas of Eastern Kingdoms however you will find much more of this glowing green ore in Un' goro Crater located in Kalimdor. You will mostly find normal "Thorium Deposits" however you will also come across "Rich Thorium Deposit" which will usually contain a bit more "Thorium Ore" and several more stones and even crystals such as "Arcane Crystal", "Huge Emerald" and "Azerothian Diamond".

Friday 18 January 2013

Mining: Truesilver Ore

Truesilver ore is one of the hardest and most elusive of the ores to locate in World of Warcraft. Its mostly found in the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. The most pleantiful place to find Truesilver deposits that contain Truesilver ore is the Burning Steppes which is located in the Eastern Kingdoms. 

If you do choose to farm "Truesilver Ore" from the "Truesilver Deposits" I do highly recommend doing it in Burning Steppes, as the mining nodes do spawn quickly and there are usually quite a few Truesilver deposits around the area. By smelting Truesilver ore into Truesilver bar you can easily earn a bit of gold by selling it in the Auction house.

I spend many a hour floating around the Burning Steppes and find an ample supply of the ever so elusive "Truesilver Ore". 

Thursday 17 January 2013

Mining: Mithril Ore

Mithril Ore Deposit

Mithril ore can be found in Mithril Deposits found throughout Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms, from my own personal experience the best place and easiest place to mine obscure amounts of Mithril ore and Solid stone is in the Burning Steppes located in Eastern Kingdom.

Mithril is usually found on rocky areas including mountains, hills and random bumps in the terrain. Its a great way to quickly save up lots of gold when smelting the Mithril ore into Mithril Bars and selling them to Blacksmiths and other Miners via the Auction House.

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Mining: Gold Ore

Gold Ore Deposits are one of the more uncommon mining nodes in the game. Many people seem to think that mining gold is profitable, this is true but on a tiny scale of other ores that can be mined in the game. On my server gold ore is actually worth LESS than 1 gold. So gold ore in the game is not "worth it weight in gold" even though that is exactly what it is.

If you do find yourself looking for gold ores for one of your professions you should take the time to have a look at "Burning Steppes" its a very easy place to mine, and most of the mining nodes of the area are either "Mithril", "Truesilver" and quite commonly "Gold Ores".

I have been mining on Warcraft for many years now and even today the best location that I have found on my Server is "Burning Steppes".

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Rare Spotlight: Razormaw Matriarch & Razormaw Hatchling Companion

Razormaw Matriarch

Razormaw Hatchling Nest

In the wetlands there is a cave in the top right area which is full of Raptor beasts. Inside the cave you may come across the rare raptor known as the "Razormaw Matriarch" she like most other rare beasts will drop at least one green item. However while looking for the "Razormaw Matriarch" you should also look out for a nest of purple eggs which is usually located on a island in the middle of the water inside the cave itself. As when you right click on the nest you will always be given the "Razormaw Hatchling" companion which is now classed as a battle pet too.

The spawning times of the Razormaw matriarch and the Razormaw Hatchling egg nest are separate from each other so even if one is not there you still might find the other. Its always worth the look when passing through the wetlands and its located very close to the Twilight Highlands border.

Monday 14 January 2013

Mining: Pyrite Ore

Pyrite vein

Pyrite Ore is one of the higher level mining deposits which is somewhat elusive. Pyrite ore can be found in Pyrite Veins and Pyrite deposits throughout the level 80+ areas of Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor.  Pyrite ore when smelted into Pyrite bar can earn you quite a lot of gold when sold in the Auction house as its still very elusive and difficult to find.

However I have found that the best place to find Pyrite Mining Nodes (Pyrite Vein & Pyrite Deposit) is the Twilight Highlands of the Eastern Kingdoms and more so recently Uldum of Kalimdor.

Rare Spotlight: Leech Widow

Leech Widow

In the wetlands located inside a cave called Thelgen Rock you are most likely to encounter a rare Spider known as the Leech Widow. She is level 21 and will commonly drop at least once green item and a number of other items that the other spiders of this area (Cave Stalker, and Leech Stalker) will drop such as Gooey Spider Legs, Crunchy Spider Legs, Small Spider Legs, and the ever so elusive and valuable "Spider's Silk".

She is located in the back of the cave as the cave splits into an upper and lower tier, if you follow the patch down to the lower tier she will usually be located to the right of the watery area on dry land.

Rare Spotlight: Ornat

Ornat is a Rare level 51 beast located in the Burning Steppes. Like most other Rares it will usually drop at least one green item when you kill it. Additionally as this "Nether-ray" type of rare is a beast you are also able to skin this mob if you have the skinning profession.

Sunday 13 January 2013

Rare Spotlight: Gazz the Loch Hunter

Gazz the Loch-Hunter is a rare located in the Wetlands, he resembles a Hyena and is a level 21. Usually when you kill this rare Mob he will drop at least one green item. He is not far from Thelgen Rock in the wetlands and has a little campsite in amongst the marsh pools of the Wetlands.