Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Rare Spotlight: Razormaw Matriarch & Razormaw Hatchling Companion

Razormaw Matriarch

Razormaw Hatchling Nest

In the wetlands there is a cave in the top right area which is full of Raptor beasts. Inside the cave you may come across the rare raptor known as the "Razormaw Matriarch" she like most other rare beasts will drop at least one green item. However while looking for the "Razormaw Matriarch" you should also look out for a nest of purple eggs which is usually located on a island in the middle of the water inside the cave itself. As when you right click on the nest you will always be given the "Razormaw Hatchling" companion which is now classed as a battle pet too.

The spawning times of the Razormaw matriarch and the Razormaw Hatchling egg nest are separate from each other so even if one is not there you still might find the other. Its always worth the look when passing through the wetlands and its located very close to the Twilight Highlands border.

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