The best place to farm “Gooey Spider Leg” is in fact located at “Thelgen Rock” in the “Wetlands”. Benefits of farming “Gooey Spider Legs” in this area is a fast spawn rate of spiders and there are two different types of spider (three including a rare inside the cave itself). From personal experience the "Cave Stalkers" found inside the cave, and the "Leech Stalkers" found outside the cave both have the same drop rate for Gooey Spider Leg.
Leech Stalker Gooey spider leg Drops (found outside the cave):
- 7 x Successful Gooey Spider Leg loots
- 13 x Unsuccessful
- Total Kills: 20
- (Drop Rate of gooey spider leg from Leech Stalker: 35%)
Cave Stalker Gooey spider leg drops (found inside the cave):
- 7 x Successful Gooey Spider Leg Loots
- 13 x Unsuccessful
- Total Kills: 20 (Drop rate: 35%)
I know that there are a lot of people and sites out there with a variance in opinion on the best spiders to kill to farm Gooey Spider leg, this guide was accurate as of my own personal findings while playing the game on the 8th July 2012.
If you have found this post useful or have any further questions please feel free to comment below and I will update the page with the information that you require.
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