I have recently switched primary professions from Skinning to Herbalism. This is simply because there is more gold in it than skinning.
As I am starting herbalism from scratch I have decided to write this guide to help future herbalists on World of Warcraft.
I have split this up into two sections:
1. Alliance herbalism guide
2. When to meet your trainer
Step 1: Get herbalism profession
If you have not already got herbalism as a profession you need to start it. If you already have two professions you will have to unlearn one of them to start herbalism. You can do this by going to your “Spellbook and Abilities” then click on “Professions” Click on the red circle with a line through it to unlearn a profession.Once you have less than two primary professions you can then visit a “Herbalism Trainer” to start learning herbalism.

Step 2: Start Gathering | 1 - 70
The best place to start I have personally found for herbalism for the Alliance is by gathering Peacebloom and Silverleaf in Elwynn forest just outside of Stormwind.Continue to gather Peacebloom and Silverleaf until you reach 50 herbalism points which is when you should go back to your Herbalism Trainer to learn Journeyman Herbalism.
Once you have seen the Herbalism Trainer go back to Elwynn forest and continue gathering herbs until you reach 70 herbalism points.
Note: At 15 herbalism skills you can then gather “Earthroot” which is found on hills in Elwynn Forest.
Step 3: Herbalism | 71 – 125
Once you have reached the skill of 70 in herbalism it is strongly recommended to go and visit “Hillsbrad Foothills” where you can progress your herbalism where you will find a lot of Mageroyal and Briathorn to increase your herbalism skills.Step 4: Herbalism | 126 – 150
Once you have 125 herbalism skill points its time to move to “Stonetalon Mountains” where you can find Bruiseweed, Wild Steelbloom and Briarthorn to increase your skills, try to focus on Bruiseweed and Wild Steelbloom as its they best of the three herbs in the area.Step 5: Herbalism | 150 - 160
At 150 herbalism points you will need to go see your herbalism trainer to progress any further. Once you have had the training its time to visit the “Southern Barrens”You can collect Kingsblood and Liferoot in the northern part of Southern Barrens.
Step 6: Herbalism | 160 – 200
Once you reach 160 herbalism skill points its time to move to Western Plaguelands where you can find Liferoot and Fadeleaf. Once you reach 165 herbalism points you can then gather everything in the Western Plaguelands area as Khadgar’s whisker will become available and as there are a lot of it in this area you will quickly reach 225 herbalism skills.Step 7: Herbalism | 200 - 225
The first step is to visit your herbalism trainer to get “Artisan Training” if you have at least 200 herbalism skill points. Once you have Artisan herbalism training travel back to Western Plaguelands and continue to gather herbs until 225.Step 8: Herbalism | 225 – 275
Travel to Eastern Plaguelands. Collect the herbs in the area until you are at least 275 in herbalism skills. You can collect Khadgar's Whisker until you are able to collect Sungrass in this area at 230.Step 9: Herbalism 275 – 300
Once you have 275 herbalism skills you must visit your herbalism trainer again for “Master Herbalist” training. It is then advised to travel to the Blasted Lands to continue your herb gathering where you will be able to find Dreamfoil, Gromsblood and Mountain Silversage. You can also find Golden Sandsam at the beach in Blasted lands near Rockpool Village.Step 10: Herbalism 300 – 350
Hellfire Peninsula
This part is simple, travel to Hellfire Peninsula in Outland and start gathering herbs!You should be collecting Felweed, Dreaming Glory. Golden Sandsam and Dreamfoil in this area. However if you do get bored of such a long amount of time in Hellfire Peninsula, move on to Zangarmarsh when you reach herbalism skill 325.
Optional: Move to Zangarmarsh at 325
I personally moved to Zangarmarsh when my herbalism reached 325 due to boredom. However I strongly believe that Hellfire Peninsula is more than capable of getting any player in herbalism to 360. The choice is yours.Dreamfoil, Ragveil, Felweed, Blindweed, Golden Sandsam. Flame Cap and Dreaming Glory can be found in Zangarmarsh
Additional Tip: Bog lords in Zangarmarsh can be gathered for herbalism to collect Zangar Caps.
Step 11: Herbalism 350 – 360
Once you reach 350 in herbalism be sure to go to shattrath city to get your herbalism training. The reason why I say this is because Terokkar Forest is a good place to gather herbs up-to 360. You will find many types of herbs including, Terocone, Felweed etc.Basically its easier and quicker for you to find a flight path to the next area if you choose to visit Terokkar Forest up-to 360
Step 12: Herbalism 360 – 375
Now you need to travel to Northrend to the Borean Tundra. You should go round this area gathering the following herbs. Goldclover, Fireleaf and Frost Lotus and Tigerlilly. You will also find Deadnettle in the GoldClover herbs.Step 13: Herbalism 375 – 450
Head to Sholazar Basin in Northrend and continue collecting Goldclover, Tigerlilly. Once you reach 400 you will also be able to collect the Adder’s Tongue that is in the area.Step 14: Herbalism 450 – 500
Next visit your herbalism trainer to get Illustrious training. From here you need to visit Deepholm where you can gather Cinderbloom.Once you reach 475 you can then gather Heartblossom. Both Cinderbloom and Heartblossom are found throughout Deepholm and they can bring a tasty profit in the auction house!
Final Step – 15: Herbalism 500 – 525
This step is relatively easy simply flap on over to Uldum where you can then progress your training further by gathering Whiptail which are found around the river banks. These sell very well in the auction house and can often drop Volatile Life which sell easily in the auction house for 20g. But prices will range depending on what server you are on. Whiptail will also occasionally drop Lifegiving seed which can be useful.Well there you go, this is how I progressed through the herbalism training and best of all it only took me 2 days!
When to meet your herbalism trainer
1. 0 herbalism skill points - When you first start herbalism
2. 50 herbalism skill points – Journeyman herbalist training
3. 150 herbalism skill points – Expert herbalist training
4. 200 herbalism skill points – Artisan herbalist training
5. 275 herbalism skill points – Master herbalist training
6. 350 herbalism skill points – Grand Master Herbalist training
no comments huh well ill leave one, thank you this is very helpful and i do appreciate it