So far I have given these gifts to the following players:
- Aspelis
- Dipson
- BadWarrior
- Hoomin
- Evathediva
- Sharalyn
- Solariel
- Soulrip
- FrozenCheese
- Styninator
- Shootyou
- Phyborg
- BlueLagoon
- Fearthecurse
- Immadruid
- Jollytea
- Sapora
- Tommyg
- Adelais
- Coldfrostgir
- Eurax
- Nassut
- Quibus
- Samuraijoe
- Veged
- Arcehx
- Cybernetic
- Tialler
“You don’t know me but I passed you in Goldshire which is just outside of Stormwind City. I know how hard it is when first starting up in this game.In return I have received the following responses: Just shows how far a little goodwill goes even on a game!
As an act of goodwill and a friendly gesture I have given you a 6 slot bag to allow you to carry more items if you so wish.
I wish you all the greatest of luck on world of warcraft and to make this clear, I wish for nothing in return.
Kind regards
Latura the Explorer (Level 80)”

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