Today Latura completed all the Outland Fishing Daily Quests which are given by “Old Man Barlo” the final one entailed running off to Stormwind and fishing in the canals until a “Baby Crocolisk” is found. Delightful.

“You don’t know me but I passed you in Goldshire which is just outside of Stormwind City. I know how hard it is when first starting up in this game.In return I have received the following responses: Just shows how far a little goodwill goes even on a game!
As an act of goodwill and a friendly gesture I have given you a 6 slot bag to allow you to carry more items if you so wish.
I wish you all the greatest of luck on world of warcraft and to make this clear, I wish for nothing in return.
Kind regards
Latura the Explorer (Level 80)”
Step 1: Exit World of Warcraft if you have it open.
Step 2: Right click on MI2_Import.lua and open it with NotePad
Step 3: In notepad click on "Edit" then "Replace"
Step 4: In the "Find What" box write "MI2"
Step 5: In the "Replace With" box write "MI3"
Step 6: Click the "Replace All" button.
(if unsure of steps 3, 4 and 5 see screenshot below)
Step 7: Save and close the file
Step 8: Rename the file from "MI2_Import.lua" to "MI3_Import.lua"
Step 9: Click off the file so its no longer highighted and shows "MI3_Import.lua"
Step 10: Load World of Warcraft and load your character
Step 11: Open MobInfo (by writing /MI3)
Step 12: Click on "Database" tab
Step 13: Click on "Start the Import"
Step 14: DONE!I hope this helps, any problems please feel free to comment!
Step 1: Close World of Warcraft
Step 2: Go to the location of where you installed World of Warcraft
Example: C:/Program Files/Blizzard/World of Warcraft
Step 3: From there open the following folders "Interface > AddOns > MobInfo3"
Step 4: Right click on MobInfo3.lua and open with Notepad.
Step 5: Click on "Edit" then select "Find"
Step 6: In the "Find What" box type "GetDifficultyColor"
Step 7: Delete "GetDifficultyColor" and replace it with "GetQuestDifficultyColor"
(You might have to manually search through the code as notepad does not always recognise large words such as GetDifficultyColor, you may have to simply search for "GetDifficulty" or "Get" to make it work and remember to start with your cursor at the top of the document and search "down" the page.)
Step 8: Save the page
Step 9: Load World of Warcraft as normal and it will work.