Tuesday 25 September 2012

Mists of Pandara is LIVE

As we know Mists of Pandaria Expansion for World of Warcraft went live today (25th September 2012) on the European Realms, I myself have not yet purchased the expansion as I am currently saving up for it by selling Diablo items, through the GBP Auction.

I have been very fortunate in the past and was recruited onto the Mists of Pandara BETA very early on and so I know the in's and out's of the new expansion pack. 

Even if you have not yet upgraded your account to MOP (Mists of Pandaria) you can still create a Pandarian character and explore part of the new worlds (on the back of a turtle). I spent several hours this morning rolling out a new Pandarian warrior character. I dont really know why I chose a Warrior, maybe because I have never had one. You can still take part in the "Battle Pet" feature, and your battle pets will be spanned across all your characters. Its worth a good look around and its time to have fun with your companions.

What improvements are note-able. 

I have noticed a few new quirks to the game such as no longer needing a mining pick when mining, and no longer need a fishing pole for fishing etc. Which is very useful. Additionally you dont need to keep going back to your class trainer when your character levels up. You will automatically learn new skills and they will be added to your action bar. 

What limitations are there if you dont purchase Mists of Pandaria

There are only three limitations to not having Mists of Pandara, the level cap of your character will be still 85, you wont be able to have a Monk, and you will only be able to explore the starting area of the Pandaria as the portal in your factions main city will not be there for you to access.

Where to buy Mists of Pandaria Expansion

If you still haven't bought Mists of Pandaria you can purchase it from Amazon!

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