Wednesday 5 September 2012

Mists of Pandaria: Farms in Warcraft?

Mists of Pandaria Expansion does have in fact a farming area. By this I mean you can plant crops and harvest them. You will be able to find your own farm instance at an area known as "Valley of the Four Winds". This area is located in the heart of the Pandaria and is also known as the agricultural centre.

If you want to see the guide to farming in Warcraft, please click the link below.
Your Farm: Grow, tend and Harvest Crops

You will meet members of the "Tillers" who are a faction in this area and it is your quest to help them with their failing crops. As you gain reputation with the "Tillers" you will be able to plant crops and clear the fields.

This is also where you will meet an man know as "Chen Stormstout" which will lead you towards the "Stormstout Brewery" which is the dungeon of this area.

Brief overview of Valley of the Four Winds

Valley of the Four Winds is a tranquil plain of lush farmland which is bordered by thick mysterious jungles to the south of the area, and to the north there are high and impassible mountains. 

The Valley of the Four Winds is considered as the "breadbasket" of Pandaria. Which means its the area where the food for the pandaria comes from. 

However this years harvest is in trouble and a terrible malaise has taken over the pandaren that live along the coast of this area. The legendary "Stormstout Brewery" is also located in this area "Chen Stormstout" and his niece "Li Li" hope to venture to this area to discover the location of their long lost ancestors. 

Further information on Valley of the Four Winds

It is a large zone and is for levels 88 - 87. The northern part of this zone is mostly Pandaren farmland filled with rice paddies and to the south there is a very long river and cliffs, here the hills defend into the "Krasarang Wilds". 

Valley of the Four Winds: Dungeons
There is one dungeon located in this area, it is known as the "Stormstout Brewery". 

The Enemy: Mantid

There are enemies known as the "mantid" who make their presence known towards the end of the questing experience. They are found breaking through the wall that used to confine them to the "Dread Wastes".


  1. i like farming games, i hope they add it

  2. i like the idea, I've heard this rumour before.
    Lets hope that our ears are not burning for no reason whatsoever

  3. YES! Real Farming in Warcraft!

  4. yeaaah finally more roleplaying aspects i love to just hang out in sw from time to time, now i can hang here damn blizzard thanks for this hope you come up wioth more ideas like these like more to a fishing skill or house building etc, just for the people that want to han and have a little "off time" lol
