Saturday 18 February 2012

Heart of the Aspects: Featured Mount

With the poor attempt of Blizzards 7 year anniversary they decided to release a golden glowing dragon mount for players to purchase for £17.00.

Personally I am a sucker for buying mounts from the Blizzard Store and this mount I am not an exception and chose to purchase it a couple days ago.

You can view this item at Blizzard's Store at:

The mount itself is very pretty in my opinion (the option of a girl) and a great way to celebrate the Chinese new year of the dragon. Although a late addition for the 7 year world of Warcraft anniversary its a pretty and cool mount. Shame so many people actually have it.


  1. i wonderered how to get that!
    i saw someone flying through Wetlands on one.
    i was super jelous

  2. DarkshadowStormSunday, 10 June, 2012

    looks too shiny for my taste
