Saturday, 18 February 2012
Heart of the Aspects: Featured Mount
With the poor attempt of Blizzards 7 year anniversary they decided to release a golden glowing dragon mount for players to purchase for £17.00.
Personally I am a sucker for buying mounts from the Blizzard Store and this mount I am not an exception and chose to purchase it a couple days ago.
You can view this item at Blizzard's Store at:
The mount itself is very pretty in my opinion (the option of a girl) and a great way to celebrate the Chinese new year of the dragon. Although a late addition for the 7 year world of Warcraft anniversary its a pretty and cool mount. Shame so many people actually have it.
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
Storm Peaks Rare: Skoll
After 4 years of looking for this rare spirit beast wolf I eventually gave up. However today while killing level 80 beasts for the Darkmoon Faire quest I spotted him wandering out the corner of my eye. I couldn't believe it.
So after trapping him in a ice trap and taming him with "Beast Mastery" talent enabled I finally caught this elusive rare and claimed him as my own.
If you have found this post useful or have any further questions please feel free to comment below and I will update the page with the information that you require.
So after trapping him in a ice trap and taming him with "Beast Mastery" talent enabled I finally caught this elusive rare and claimed him as my own.
If you have found this post useful or have any further questions please feel free to comment below and I will update the page with the information that you require.
Darkmoon Faire: Tauren Chieftains Concert
While out in the Darkmoon Faire I heard an announcement regarding a concert starting in 15 minutes, this gave me time enough to finish what I was doing and head down to the staging area.
Basically it was a Tauren Rock band known as the "Tauren Chieftains" and is highly entertaining and worth 5 minutes of your time to watch. Near the end my character and another player decided to stand next to the drummer dancing.
Skinning Trainer Locations
Skinning Trainers 1 - 450 Locations
Alliance Skinning Trainer Locations
Borean Tundra
(Trapper Jack)
(Derik Marks)
Hellfire Peninsula
(Jelena Nightsky)
Howling Fjord
(Frederic Burrhus)
(Balthus Stoneflayer)
Redridge Mountains
(Wilma Ranthal)
(Maris Granger)
(Radnaal Maneweaver)
Horde Skinning Trainer Locations
Borean Tundra
(Tiponi Stormwhisper)
(Derik Marks)
Eversong Woods
(Kulleg Stonehorn)
Hellfire Peninsula
Howling Fjord
(Roberta Jacks)
Silvermoon City
Thunder Bluff
Trisfal Glades
(Rand Rhobart)
(Killian Hagey)
Skinning Trainers 425 - 525 Locations
Alliance Skinning Trainers
(Derik Marks)
(Balthus Stoneflayer)
(Maris Granger)
Horde Skinning Trainers
(Derik Marks)
Monday, 6 February 2012
Alliance Skinning Guide 1 - 525
Today I have decided to drop Engineering for my Night Elf Hunter and peruse the skinning profession again. This is my guide to quickly improve your skinning skill using my experience.
This is a quick note list as to where to go for each skinning skill.
Step 1: Finding your Skinning Trainer and get your tools.
My main base is Stormwind one of the largest Alliance bases. The skinning trainer is located in "Old Town" district. If you already have two primary professions you will need to unlearn one of the primary professions and learn "Skinning" from the "Skinning Trainer".
Before you head out of Stormwind be sure to pick up a "Skinning Knife" from a "Trade Goods Vendor".
Step 2: Skinning 1 - 50.
The best place to start your skinning is at a small farm in Elwyyn Forest. The farm is called "Maclure Vineyards" low level boars will be there, and they spawn very quickly. Its not unusual for 6 boars to spawn one after another as you kill them so this is by far the easiest place to start levelling up your skinning.
Stay at Maclure Vineyards killing boars until you reach level 50 in skinning. Once you have reached level 50 Skinning be sure to visit the "Skinning Trainer" again to get your "Journeyman Skinner".
Step 3: Skinning 51 - 90.
Next I headed out to "Westfall" to kill "Goretusk" boars. Don't bother too much with the Coyote or Young Goretusks as they are most likely to be "green" for skinning. Just stick with the "Goretusks" as they are much higher level and skinning will be "yellow" on them.
Stay in Westfall skinning "Goretusk" until you reach Skinning 90.
Step 4: Skinning 91 - 110
From Westfall head up to "Loch Moden" and stay around the bottom and right of the lake, you will find "Loch Crocolisk" which are a "yellow".
Once the "Loch Crocolisk" turn "green" focus on the "Mudbelly Boar" and "Lakebed Snapper" turtle that are also around the area. Continue to skin the "Mudbelly Boar" and "Lakebed Snapper" until you reach skinning level 110.
Step 5: Skinning 111 - 185.
Its time to fly up to the "Wetlands" try to land at "Wheelgear's Retreat". Start skinning the "Mottled Screecher" and "Mottled Raptor" located in the area highlighted in green below.
Next get the boat to "Northrend" and go see your "Skinning trainer". There is one at "Valiance Keep" known as "Trapper Jack" who will give you the "Grand Master Skinning" training you need.
Head out to the Borean Tundra and farm/skin the following beasts to level up your skinning. Be sure to watch out for "Arctic Fur" that is dropped in this area as it can easily sell upwards of 80g per skin.
If you have found this post useful or have any further questions please feel free to comment below and I will update the page with the information that you require.
This is a quick note list as to where to go for each skinning skill.
- Learn "Skinning" at your trainer
- Skinning 1-50 (Elwyyn Forest)
- :earn "Journeyman Skinner"
- Skinning 51 - 90 (Westfall)
- Skinning 91 - 110 (Loch Moden)
- Skinning 111 - 150 (Wetlands)
- Learn "Expert Skinner"
- Skinning 151 - 185 (Wetlands)
Step 1: Finding your Skinning Trainer and get your tools.
My main base is Stormwind one of the largest Alliance bases. The skinning trainer is located in "Old Town" district. If you already have two primary professions you will need to unlearn one of the primary professions and learn "Skinning" from the "Skinning Trainer".
Before you head out of Stormwind be sure to pick up a "Skinning Knife" from a "Trade Goods Vendor".
Step 2: Skinning 1 - 50.
The best place to start your skinning is at a small farm in Elwyyn Forest. The farm is called "Maclure Vineyards" low level boars will be there, and they spawn very quickly. Its not unusual for 6 boars to spawn one after another as you kill them so this is by far the easiest place to start levelling up your skinning.
Stay at Maclure Vineyards killing boars until you reach level 50 in skinning. Once you have reached level 50 Skinning be sure to visit the "Skinning Trainer" again to get your "Journeyman Skinner".
Step 3: Skinning 51 - 90.
Next I headed out to "Westfall" to kill "Goretusk" boars. Don't bother too much with the Coyote or Young Goretusks as they are most likely to be "green" for skinning. Just stick with the "Goretusks" as they are much higher level and skinning will be "yellow" on them.
Stay in Westfall skinning "Goretusk" until you reach Skinning 90.
Step 4: Skinning 91 - 110
From Westfall head up to "Loch Moden" and stay around the bottom and right of the lake, you will find "Loch Crocolisk" which are a "yellow".
Once the "Loch Crocolisk" turn "green" focus on the "Mudbelly Boar" and "Lakebed Snapper" turtle that are also around the area. Continue to skin the "Mudbelly Boar" and "Lakebed Snapper" until you reach skinning level 110.
Step 5: Skinning 111 - 185.
Its time to fly up to the "Wetlands" try to land at "Wheelgear's Retreat". Start skinning the "Mottled Screecher" and "Mottled Raptor" located in the area highlighted in green below.
Continue to kill the raptor's until you reach skinning 120, then move over to the east of "Greenwardens Grove" (highlighted in yellow) and peruse to kill the "Ebon Whelp" and "Ebon Slavehunter" until 150.
Continue killing "Ebon Whelp"'s in wetlands until you reach Skinning 185
Step 6: Skinning 186 - 205
The best place to move to next is the Hinterlands. It wont take long to reach skinning 205 in this area, its kind of like a quick levelling stop off before the next area. Its best to skin the "Silvermane Wolf" which are popular in this area near the alliance flightpath.
Step 7: Skinning 206 - 265
Its time to go back to Stormwind and get your "Artisan Skinning Training".
Once you have it pop onto the boat to the other large island and head over to "Thousand Needles".
Once you have reached thousand needles you will need to skin the following beasts to gain Skinning Skills
- "Needlespine Cobra"
- "Needlespine Shimmerback"
- "Scorpid Cliffcrawler"
Once you reach skinning skill 265 its time to move on to "Un'goro Crater"!
Step 8: Skinning 266 - 300
You need to head over to Un'goro crater and skin the following beasts.
They are all over the area and easy to locate so there is no need for a map.
They are all over the area and easy to locate so there is no need for a map.
- Dimetradon
- Young Dimetradon
- Ravasaur
- Ravasaur Runner
Step 9: Skinning 301 - 310
You need to go through the "Dark Portal" to "Outland", when arriving in "Hellfire Peninsula" head over to the east side of "Honor Hold" and work your way down underneath "Honor hold" on foot killing the different types of "HellBoar" as you go round.
Once you reach 310 Skinning its time to move to Nagrand
Step 10: Skinning 311 - 375
Next head over to "Nagrand", this part is quite simple. If its a beast, skin it.
The best results are from first skinning the following beasts.
Step 11: Skinning 376 - 400.Step 9: Skinning 301 - 310
You need to go through the "Dark Portal" to "Outland", when arriving in "Hellfire Peninsula" head over to the east side of "Honor Hold" and work your way down underneath "Honor hold" on foot killing the different types of "HellBoar" as you go round.
Once you reach 310 Skinning its time to move to Nagrand
Step 10: Skinning 311 - 375
Next head over to "Nagrand", this part is quite simple. If its a beast, skin it.
The best results are from first skinning the following beasts.
- Clefthoof
- Talbuck Stag
- Wild Elekk
- Clefthoof Calf
- Injured Talbuck
Once you have 335 skinning skills you can move onto the following beasts to gain skinning skills.
- Aged Clefthoof
- Talbuck Thorngrazer
- Clefthoof Bull
Next get the boat to "Northrend" and go see your "Skinning trainer". There is one at "Valiance Keep" known as "Trapper Jack" who will give you the "Grand Master Skinning" training you need.
Head out to the Borean Tundra and farm/skin the following beasts to level up your skinning. Be sure to watch out for "Arctic Fur" that is dropped in this area as it can easily sell upwards of 80g per skin.
- Wooly Rhino Calf
- Wooly Rhino Matriarch
- Wooly Rhino Bull
The wooly rhino's are mostly found around the base of "Amber Ledge" and are in ample supply.
Alternatively you can farm the following beasts
- Infected Kodo
- Marsh Caribou
- Wooly Mammoth
- Mammoth Calf
- Tundra Wolf
- Tundra Crawler
Step 12: Skinning 401 - 415.
Next its recommended to head over to "Stars Rest" located in "Dragonblight" to farm several beasts to increase your skinning skills. This is a short farming area.
- Arctic Grizzly
- Arctic Grizzly Cub
- Arctic Ram
- Emaciated Mammoth
- Mammoth Calf
- Mammoth Bull
- Blighted Elk
- Rabid Grizzly
- Snowfall Elk
- Tundra Scavenger
Step 13: Skinning 416 - 425
Next head over to "Grizzly Hills" I flew up to "Amberpine Lodge" where there are lots of beasts to skin in the nearby woods.
Try and focus on the following beasts found on the nearby hillside.
- Tallhorn Stag
However you can also skin the following if you so wish:
- Infected Grizzly Bear
- Highland Mustang
- Silvercoat Stag
- Serpent Defender
Step 14: Skinning 426 - 450
Head over to "Sholazar Basin" there are lots of beasts in this area for your skinning pleasure, once you hit 445 skinning skill it will take longer to reach 450, if you want to level up your skinning quicker head over to "StormPeaks" otherwise stick with "Sholazar Basin" till you reach 450.
Step 15: Skinning 451 - 470.
Head back over to "Eastern Kingdoms" via the boat to "Stormwind" get your "Skinning training".
It may be worth adding "Stormwind" as your hearthstone as we will be coming back here shortly.
Head over to "Mount hyjal" which you can quickly access through the direct portal.
Kill the stags in this area until you reach 470 skinning.
Step 16: Skinning 471 - 485
Hearthstone back to stormwind and take the "Uldum" portal. Here you should focus on the "Crocalisks" until you hit skinning level 485.
Step 15: Skinning 451 - 470.
Head back over to "Eastern Kingdoms" via the boat to "Stormwind" get your "Skinning training".
It may be worth adding "Stormwind" as your hearthstone as we will be coming back here shortly.
Head over to "Mount hyjal" which you can quickly access through the direct portal.
Kill the stags in this area until you reach 470 skinning.
Step 16: Skinning 471 - 485
Hearthstone back to stormwind and take the "Uldum" portal. Here you should focus on the "Crocalisks" until you hit skinning level 485.
Step 17: Skinning 486 - 525
This is the final step to maxing out your skinning skill. Hearthstone back to Stormwind and take the "Twilight Highlands" portal.
- Tawny Owls (yes you can skin these birds)
- Twilight Worg
- Twilight Stag
Keep skinning till you reach the maximum skill level of 525. And you are done!
If you have found this post useful or have any further questions please feel free to comment below and I will update the page with the information that you require.
Friday, 3 February 2012
World of Warcraft Gold Making Guide 2012
Six simple tips to make gold legally on World of Warcraft
Well we all would like a little more gold when playing World of Warcraft. Whether its for crafting amazingly epic items to equip to your character or just to pay the repair bills from questing, PVP or dungeons.I go out of my way to make gold legally on the game and here are a few tips that I have put together so you will never run out of gold on your world of warcraft characters.
Using this guide I make approximately 2000g a day.
I made the mistake of levelling up engineering and wasted most of my gold on mats, hence the low gold value on some of the screenshots. I don't want YOU to make this MISTAKE.
Tip 1: Max your level
Tip 2: Gathering professions.
From my own personal experience of playing World of Warcraft I have found that the quickest way of earning gold is in fact through the gathering professions. My reason for this is it costs you NOTHING to gather ores, skins, herbs etc... no crafting costs thus 100% profit of gold for you.Its always best to max out your chosen gathering profession, as the higher level areas will generally allow you to collect much more valuable items, thus profit for you.
Recommended: Mining
Mining is a very time consuming profession however the rewards for selling ores, gems and volatile items such as Volatile Water, Volatile Earth etc are very rewarding due to the amount of gold that you can very quickly earn through selling these items.Gems are commonly used by players crafting and levelling in Jewel-crafting and Engineering.
Volatile items such as Volatile Earth, Volatile Fire, Volatile Water are used in Mining, Enchanting and Engineering.
Its always recommended to smelt your collected ores into bars as generally they tend to sell for more, however always check the cost to sell ores individually before smelting just in case there is more profit in selling them as raw ores.
You should focus on "Elementium Ore', "Pyrium Ore", and other high level area ores to maximise your profits.
Recommended: Skinning
Other players who specialise in tailoring, leather working and engineering will all require leather to complete their craft, and levelling so why not take the time to max out your skinning and go out of your way to gather leather from wild beasties of Azeroth.
On my server light leather sells for over 1 gold per item, while the tougher leathers to locate such as "Arctic Fur" will regularly sell for over 80 gold for one! So skinning is a great way to earn yourself some gold.
To maximise profits try to focus on "Knolthide leather", "Light Leather", "Medium Leather", "Heavy Leather, "Rugged Leather" and the highly desireable "Arctic Fur".
Avoid: Engineering
There is no profit in Engineering as a primary profession, it only costs you gold and you earn very little from it.I spent several months levelling my character in Engineering, I found that items created in engineering cannot be used by other players who are not engineers themselves... so basically anyone crafting items from engineering will only be able to sell to other engineering players.... who quite frankly can make the item themselves anyway... why buy it?
Tip 3: Grinding Mobs for items and money
Basically killing NPC characters such as humanoid, beast or dragonkin will give you a variety of different items, some individual items such as Spiders Silk dropped from low level spiders (SEE SPIDER SILK FARMING GUIDE) are highly valuable to tailors, leatherworkers etc for making their items. Its always good to look into the different items which players can craft and see which items are most sought after.Even grinding MOBS in low level areas such as Westfall is most profitable, as they die from one shot kills, and often drop money and green items. Sure they may be low value but you can kill many MOBS in a short period of time and putting items for sale in the auction house will give other players the opportunity to buy them, disenchant or equip the item to their character.
Tip 4: Farming Companions
Additional to this I recommend focusing on MOBS which can drop companions too. Companions are valuable and highly desirable non-combat (currently) pets which are very collectible.The wetlands is a easy location to grind/farm for companions
- There is a Raptor cave where you can find a nest and collect a "Razormaw hatchling" companion which commonly sells for 150g.
- The "Ebon Whelp", "Dragonmaw Whelpstealer" found in ample numbers do drop the "Ebon hatchling" companion.
- The Oozes that populate several areas of the wetlands also drop "Ooze" companions so keep an eye out for them too.
Tip 5: Auction House
Always sell any item that is used for crafting and obtained through the gathering professions at the auction house, other players NEED these items in order for them to level up and create what they WANT.The World of Warcraft community in general is one which WANTS stuff.
So why not profit from other players but still help them out at the same time!
Tip 6: Never Destroy
Even if an item is grey "junk" never throw it out, simply sell it to a vendor, the amount of gold that you can earn from even junk items over time is immense.If you choose to follow these simple top tips, you will never be coin shy again.
Thursday, 2 February 2012
Tyrael's Charger Mount (Special)
![]() |
Tyrael's Charger Mount: Featuring Latura (Level 85 - Emerald Dream) |
This sounds scary however if you are a regular player of World of Warcraft then its not bad at at all. You can still pay monthly if you so wish using your preferred payment method so its no different from a paying each month for your account anyways.
I would like to highlight that with the "Annual Pass" you do not have to pay for a year in advance, you can still pay £8.99 per month.
The mount itself is a flying horse type mount and once you purchase and confirm your "Annual Pass" through your account it will be delivered to each of your characters mailbox's.
I am very fond of the horse type mounts however unlike the "Celestial Steed" this mount is a very quiet flying mount, and you do not hear the wings flapping, as they are not physical wings, more elemental.
The "Tyrael's Charger" increases ground speed by 100% and increases flight speed by 310%.
Guaranteed acceptance onto the "Mists of Pandaria"
Guaranteed acceptance onto the "Mists of Pandaria"
So far very little information has been released on the upcoming fourth world of warcraft that is to be known as "Mists of Pandaria". However what we do know is there will be the new panda race, a new monk class and a whole new area. Additionally Blizzard will be adding a pokemon style companion fighting system and increasing the player level cap to 90.
So with very little information to go off we can only hope that when "Mists of Pandaria" is released the only way we will be able to find out more about this interesting expansion before official release is by being accepted onto the BETA testing server when available.
The only way to guarantee acceptance onto the "Mists of Pandaria" BETA is by signing up for a 12 month subscription for World of Warcraft. You can still pay monthly at £8.99. But you have to pay for 12 months without cancelling the subscription.
I personally have done this as I hope that being able to explore the "Mists of Pandaria" in BETA will allow me to give a lot of information about the upcoming expansion pack here on SimplyWarcraft so you can hear about it first!
As an additional bonus if you do choose to sign up for a 12 month subscription you will get
1. An exclusive mount
2. Diablo 3 when released
3. Guaranteed acceptance onto the "Mists of Pandaria" BETA server.
For more information on the Annual pass and get these great bonus' please visit:
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