While visiting “Greenwarden’s Grove” in the “Wetlands” the area was set ablaze and my level 82 character Latura instantly died. This action gave my character the achievement known as “Stood in the Fire”, which means that Deathwing (the giant dragon who stands on the towers of Stormwind during the login screen and reaped havoc through the world of warcraft has flown overhead and set the area on fire!
I have yet to see Deathwing but this is the first encounter I have had with him. This may not be the last! I was not aware of this random event so I thought it would be good to mention it just in case other people wanted to know about it.

Please click on the above screenshots to enlarge and view in a new window the below screenshot shows my characters location at the time of the attack, and the time was approximately 10:00pm in the UK.