Sunday 16 January 2011

Archaeology: Fossilized Hatchling Companion and I had it in my hand Achievement

I have been busy since Christmas building up my “Archaeology” profession. Today one of the rewards for Fossil digging was a “Fossilized Hatchling”. This indeed is a companion and is really quite cute in its own bony way. It is a rare fossil which when created makes you a companion.

“There is something unusual about these tiny raptor bones. The empty eye sockets don’t quite seem empty. In fact, are they twinkling with a hint of life?”
Fossilised hatchingFossilized Hatchling
Fossilized Hatchling
When you get this companion you will also get an achievement known as “I had it in my hand” which is given when you find a rare artefact. Along with the achievement you will also get the title “Assistant Professor”.
I had it in my hand

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to thank you for an earlier post regarding Spider's Silk. Best info I found yet.
