Monday 8 November 2010

Hippogryph Egg Locations

There is a goblin in Gadgetzan known as “Curgle Cranklehop” who has made a machine “super egg o matic” to transport the rare “>Hippogryph Eggs” to another location. She gives you the task of bringing her one of these eggs (this is not a quest). You are given the location of “Ruins of Isildien” which is in Feralas, and information that they nest sites are around the Ogres of the area. I have written this little guide to assist further on helping people find these eggs
First you have to find the location so I have provided you with a map below of Hippogryph nests that I have found and their co-ordinates.

Hyppogryph Nest Locations
The co-ordinates for these nest locations is in Feralas, in the Ruins of Isildien and are from left to right of the map above. I would like to add that when finding them it is important to climb the hills of the area as they are on flat areas of the hills.

  • 53.68 - 74.46
  • 53.17 - 71.52
  • 56.68 - 75.83
  • 56.74 - 76.74
  • 56.37 - 77.49
  • 58.61 - 75.57
Around this area are three types of Hippogryph, these are the “Frayfeather Patriarch” “Frayfeather Stagwing” and the “Frayfeather Skystormer”. Be careful they are all aggressive and will attack if you are close to them.

(Please click on the images below to enlarge)
Frayfeather PatriarchFrayfeather SkyStormerFrayfeather Stagwing
Once you are in the right location you will either see a nest with an egg (shown below) or an empty nest if someone has already taken the egg. You may also find more than one egg although it is always one egg per nest but there are at least six different nests that I have found. You can only carry ONE egg so once you have one don’t waste your time trying to find more as you will not be able to carry them.
Once you have an egg it will show in your inventory as the second image below.Hippogryph NestHippogryph Egg
Once you have a “Hippogryph Egg” you must go back to “Curgle Cranklehop” in “Gadgetzan” and click on the “Super Egg-O-Matic” machine.
Super Egg O Matic
Super Egg-O-MaticSuper Egg-O-Matic
Once completed you will recieve a “Egg Crate” which in my case contained a “Fine Egg” at this point I am not sure what its used for but I am sure that I will find out, I will post when I know more about the “Fine Egg”.
Fine Egg
I hope you have found this quick guide useful and if you have any questions please feel free to comment and I will get back in touch with you ASAP.

1 comment:

  1. I received an ordinary egg, but I can't seem to figure out what it's for either.
